IPhone 8 and iPhone 7s: Delay for Apple Wireless Charger?

IPhone 8 and iPhone 7s: Delay for Apple Wireless Charger?

IPhone 8 and iPhone 7s: Delay for  Apple Wireless Charger?
The Samsung Galaxy S8 on its base, being recharged wirelessly

If various rumors circulating are accurate,iPhone 7s, iPhone 7s Plus and iPhone 8 will offer wireless charging .  system chosen by Apple is not detailed, but it will certainly be system chosen by several manufacturers of Android smartphones for years now. It consists of putting its smartphone on a dedicated base, itself connected to the sector.

problem is that wireless charger may not be ready for new iPhone 2017 marketing. According to blogger John Gruber, who sometimes has some information about behind-scenes Apple, charger could arrive several weeks after Release of new iPhone and could require iOS 11.1. schema would be similar to portrait mode of iPhone 7 Plus that was not ready when smartphone came out, Apple activated it a few months later with iOS 10.1.

It is worth remembering that rumors announce that Apple will sell its wireless charger separately, like Samsung and other manufacturers that do not include it in box for their own smartphones. price is not known, but knowing Apple we suspect that price will be "friendly", is not it!
wireless charger should be one of "major" novelties that is shared between iPhone 7s and iPhone 8. For rest, iPhone 7s should retain design of current iPhone 7 and be more powerful. For its part, iPhone 8 is expected to have a new design and especially an OLED screen that occupies entire front surface.

About: MehdiMed


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