best Free Android cleaner and Memory Booster.

The best Android cleaner and memory Booster. All-In-One Toollbox, equipped with 29 Android system tools, is designed to clean up unwanted files, boost memory, protect private information and speed up your Android with cleaning and destruction processes.

best Free Android cleaner and Memory Booster. All-In-One Toollbox

The All-In-One toolbox allows you to uninstall unwanted applications, move applications to the SD card, disable application execution from system startup, manage files in the SD card, and more ...

Features of the All-In-One Toolkit (Android Cleaner and Memory Booster)

- Intuitive: Simple and clear UI design for quick and easy system optimization. 
- Complete: thorough analysis of all unwanted files (cache, residual files, temporary files, etc.) and clean them with a single click. 
- Versatile: 29 tools in one pack to accelerate the system and extend battery life. 
- Multilingual: 31 languages ​​supported, easy and friendly to use. 
- Light: small size, and no service in the background, consuming less memory and battery.

What does the All-In-One Toolkit do?

- Recover lost memory with intelligent and secure cleaning. 

* Delete SMS and call logs 
* Clear browsing history 
* Delete Temp files 
* Clean SD card 
* Scan Apk remains 
* Eliminate cache files

- Run the system quickly - process management and quick start:

Kill the current tasks each time the device slows down. Disable unwanted startup applications from system startup. Free the memory and keep the Android device running at optimal speed. 
* Process Manager with memory, battery and CPU consumption 
* Accelerate startup and release system resources

- Privacy:

Provide access for you to erase your personal data and navigation traces in order to keep the privacy information revealing. The password service will lock things you do not want to share with others. 
* App Store 
* Clearing browser tracks 
* Call log or deleting SMS

- Management of APP and file:

Check what's on Android and provide a list of options for you to control the files. 
* Uninstall System Application 
* App to SD Card 
* Batch Installer / Uninstall 
* Zip and Unzip 
* Backup and Restore

- Many additional tools:

29+ system tools available in All-In-One Toollbox, all essential for your ease and your wonderful Android experience. 
* Plug-in automatic tasks: cache and cleanup of unwanted files, silent mode, airplane mode, and wifi management at regular intervals automatically 
* Compass plug-in: give you direction when you are lost 
* Flashlight: turn on your environment 
* QR and Barcode Scanner: fast scanning and information gathering 
* Game Booster: stimulates games to give you more fun 
* Android Sensor Box: view all the sensors available on your Android 
* Quick Settings: provides easy access 
* Settings Of the volume:

About: MehdiMed


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