15 photos not to be published on social networks

15 photos not to be published on social networks

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified. Delivering images of one's life and loved ones, however, requires a few common sense principles to avoid trouble.
sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Social networks form a formidable invitation to share what we like, moves us, makes us happy or exasperates us. And the impulsive publication of everyday clichés has become the most popular medium on these platforms. Pictures of a newborn, family reunion, new car, view of hotel room, pet, selfies on the slightest occasion ... All pretexts are valid and Smartphones are great facilitators of this visual communication. 

As proof, in 2015, about 3.2 billion photos were shared daily on social networks: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger (Source: KPCB ). However, This mass phenomenon should not make us forget that the sharing of photos on a public media must always be done with a minimum of discernment. Because some seemingly innocuous clichés can sometimes be damaging for their author or the people who appear there. Others may have long-lasting consequences.

1  - Photos of your children or grandchildren

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
No one would have fun distributing pictures of his children to street passers-by or placing them at the windows of his home so that everyone would benefit. Yet, it's a bit of what we do when we publish pictures of our dear little blond heads on social networks. Of course this seems innocent, but the fact is that this dissemination can sometimes have very serious consequences. First, it is done without the consent of those concerned, who, growing up, may feel uncomfortable seeing certain images of them circulate. Because these shared and then shared photos will never completely disappear from the Web. But much more serious, there is the risk that these photos fall into the wrong hands. Protecting one's children, it is as much on the Web as in the real world.

2 - Photos of plane tickets

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Sharing photos of airline tickets is a popular practice on social networks, but that can offer hackers the opportunity to enjoy a flaw. As it turns out that the databases of reservation systems of airlines and travel agencies are insufficiently protected. With the information gleaned from a plane ticket, a thief could easily access a passenger's individual record (names, dates and times of travel, telephone number, credit card, passport ...) Use it to cancel or modify a reservation, get a ticket refunded, credit points on a loyalty card or steal an identity.

3 - Your best holiday photos

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Now, staying connected on vacation and sharing his photo adventures has become common. An activity that is quite normal but can turn against its authors. Prompted to adapt to societal changes to exploit the shortcomings to their advantage, the thugs quickly realized that the social networks offered them valuable information on a plateau. Indeed, posting a photo of yourself on vacation at the other end of the planet amounts to signaling to the thieves that his home is likely "visitable". Better to wait for the return to share your memories, or to opt for the good old postcard!

4 - Photos of your fingers

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Recently, researchers at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan were able to easily copy fingerprints from images showing people making the "V" sign of victory. The method requires no advanced technology and anyone can copy fingerprints from a sharp and defined picture. With this information, a cybercrime could create a reproduction of a fingerprint and use it to authenticate to the biometric system of a telephone, a computer, a sensitive place ... Obviously, this threat does not concern Not a majority of Internet users, but it is always useful to be aware of the existence of this kind of risk.

5 - Photos showing the license plate of a vehicle

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Whether it's a small ad for a sale or just to show off his "baby", publishing the photo of a car leaving the license plate visible is not recommended. Why ? Because smart people can retrieve this information to create what is called a doublet, a second set of plates that copies this number and use them on another vehicle to avoid parking fines or automatic speed cameras . But it can also be more serious, as thugs can usurp registration to commit crimes or crimes. According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior dating from 2013, cases of usurpation of license plates have exploded, going from 5,079 offenses recorded in 2010 to 17,479 in 2012.

6 - Pictures of you naked

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
This may seem obvious, but better to say. Publishing photos of yourself in a dress or in the simplest device is a very bad idea. Your loved ones or friends of your friends brought to see these shots could be shocked or even offended. Your coworkers and / or your boss may come across these compromising images with the consequences of unfortunate consequences. Worse, in the wrong hands, such photos could become instruments of harassment or blackmail. Not to mention the fact that these images will be very difficult if not impossible to remove once disseminated on the Web.

7  - The clichés of his bank card

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Since 2012, the Twitter account @NeedADebitCard relays the tweets of Internet users who have fun sharing photos of their bank cards. They can be young people who are happy to have this sesame or disgruntled people who cut this piece of plastic in protest against their bank. Often, the cardholder's name, card number and expiration date are visible. Information that can be exploited by dishonest people to make online purchases from sites that do not ask for the three security numbers on the back of the card. They are certainly more and more rare, but it is better not to run any risk!

8 - Photos of your daily activities

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
The logic is the same as for vacation photos: unveiling too many details about his daily life can provide many clues to burglars or malicious people. Photos of you in your designated gym indicating the place and frequency, starting from a long walk in the forest, a hike in assembly, a jogging session or cycling ... If it is not necessary to To avoid sharing photos containing too much precise information about the place and to associate with it a detailed description of your schedule that could allow a person to know with Accuracy your comings and goings.

9 - Photos of your identity card or passport

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
Impersonating a person initially requires quite a few elements: name, date and place of birth. This information is then sufficient to collect other elements (address, Social Security number, telephone number, ...) which ultimately allow to constitute a credible false identity and to be issued official documents by making a declaration of loss. Every year in France, it is estimated that about 200 000 people are victims of identity theft on social networks. This is why it is strongly advised not to share photos of a passport or identity card and even send them by e-mail.

10 - The clichés on which you appear ticked

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
We can very well celebrate and "let go" but, at the time of the web and social networks, beware of images that will come to immortalize moments not always very flattering. Because these are so many proofs that can serve you and return like a boomerang for an indefinite period. Photographing or being photographed drinking, consuming illicit substances, performing obscene or degrading acts, even if it is "for laughing", can have a different resonance once the pictures are put on line and Out of context. In festive circumstances, the wisest is to leave his smartphone at the bottom of his pocket!

11 - Photos of your friends or relatives without their consent

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
"Any person, famous or anonymous, has a right to look at the use of his image," recalls the site Service-Public.fr. This means that the webcast of a person's photo may, in principle, be done without prior consent. In fact, social networks have greatly contributed to the relaxation of image rights practices. But the law remains and any person observing the publication of a photograph of it without its authorization is entitled to demand its withdrawal. So, when you take pictures of friends or family, think of asking them if they do not object to sharing them on the Web.

12 - Offensive pictures

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
The dissemination of an image that infringes on a person or his / her private life is liable to criminal prosecution. The victim may lodge a complaint against the author of the photograph (s) within three years of its circulation. The sharing of pornographic, vulgar, obscene, profane, illegal, offensive, insulting, reprehensible images is prohibited. According to article 226-1 of the Criminal Code: "A penalty of one year's imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros shall be imposed on any person by deliberate attempt to infringe the privacy of The privacy of others by fixing, recording or transmitting, without the consent of the latter, the image of a person in a private place ". A sanction that will be heavier for images of a sexual nature.

13 - Photos of deceased or minors

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
The heirs of a deceased person may oppose the dissemination of his image after his death if, for example, they consider that it constitutes an attack on his memory. Again, an application for prior authorization is recommended to avoid problems. An even greater vigilance is required with regard to the publication of photos of minors. According to the law, "before the image of a minor is used, the authorization of the parents (or the person in charge) must be obtained in writing. There are no exceptions (even for the 'Intranet of the school').

14 - Photos protected by copyright

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
As you surf the Internet, you have come across a picture that you would like to use to illustrate the profile of your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account ... You should know that any reproduction or representation of a photograph in printed or digital form requires Authorization of its author or of his successors in title, even if its use is not commercial. The same applies to a trademark. Moreover, it is better to avoid sharing an original photo that you will have retouched or modified, under penalty, again, to expose yourself to a claim on behalf of its author. In all cases, if you are the author of a photo, please mention its name in the comment accompanying the publication as "credit: xxx" or "© xxx".

15 - Photos showing money or valuable property

sharing photos via social networks has become a full-fled-ged mode of communication, which smartphones have simplified.
This is not the case for everyone, but some people like to display their opulence by sharing photos of them with bundles of tickets, jewelry, expensive clothes, sports car, state-of-the-art equipment, etc. . What to try thieves who have got used to surfing social networks to find their prey. In the same vein, it is necessary to avoid sharing pictures revealing valuables or savings of grandparents, isolated or vulnerable people. Cases of thefts committed against seniors after family members shared photos showing their wool stockings were reported, including one in Australia.

About: MehdiMed


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