iOS 11: Apple abandons native integration of Facebook and Twitter

With iOS 11 , Apple offers several new features to the program. But the manufacturer also decided to remove one that some users could find interesting: the native integration of Facebook and Twitter. This functionality existed since 2011.

iOS 11: Apple abandons native integration of Facebook and Twitter

As can be seen, iOS 11 treats Facebook and Twitter as two "normal" applications without privileged access
With this integration, iOS kept the user's Facebook ID and Twitter ID in mind. The latter could then quickly connect to other applications that required access to the account of one of the social networks, without having to enter each time the username and password. This is no longer possible with iOS 11.
With its new operating system, Apple has decided to put Facebook and Twitter on the same level as other iOS applications, they no longer have access in particular. In reality, the native integration of Vimeo and Flickr also jumps with iOS 11.
As a reminder, the native integration of Twitter took place in 2011 with iOS 5. A year later with iOS 6, Apple added the native integration of FacebookAnd the next year with iOS 7, Apple proposed native integration with Flickr and Vimeo

About: MehdiMed


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