Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS

It is not only in your hands that you can spin hand spinners, mobile applications also abound on Android and iOS. Here are five apps you absolutely need if you are a fan of the phenomenon.
Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS

 TOP of the most geek hand spinners games of the moment

Fidget Spinner - Hand Spinner Focus Game 

Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS

Available on iPhone / iPad . The game offers a succession of challenges of speed and endurance. What to learn a few (real) figures on your hand spinner. Blemish: You can not achieve more than 20 laps on each challenge. 

Fidget Spinner (Get a Charge) 

Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS
A good application iOS very fluid because it does not include advertising. This allows you to demonstrate great realism about the stiffness and weight of your virtual hand spinner. We also like its large selection of models to improve your performance. 

Fidget Spinner - The Best One Ever

Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS
Essential for players who do not want to waste time. Choose your ideal Spinner and play. No configuration required before each game. Realism is a little less constant though. Downloadable on appstore only . 

Fidget Hand Spinner

Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS
If you prefer to spin a Spinner with one hand, this is the application you need. The towers are regular. In addition, the application saves your performance and gives your world ranking. Available on Android and iOS . 

Fidget Spinner Feel

Best 5 spinner game for Android and iOS
This app has a gameplay simplicity: two fingers will be enough to spin your spinner. One is useful for holding the center button and the other for rotating. You can time your laps and you can customize your spinner as you see fit. C ' Is an iOS game but also has an Android APK file . 

About: MehdiMed


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