iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen

iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen of their iPhone 8 in a third party.

iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen of their iPhone 8 in a third party.

Just a couple of weeks ago we told you that the update to iOS 11.3 left many iPhone 8 users in the lurch . Although only those who had a problem with the screen of their device and had sent it to repair an unofficial technical service .

As on other occasions, Apple wanted to punish users who would not have taken to repair their iPhone 8 in the technical service of the company itself. We thought it would happen and it has been: the update for iOS 11.3.1 corrects this problem, so that users affected by this incident can use their iPhone again without any inconvenience.

The Apple company already blocked through an iOS update the iPhone 7 that had been repaired, but for some reason, had not gone through the hands of Apple's technical service. At the time, the Cupertino took a step back and had to launch a new update to unlock the iPhone 7 of those affected.



The update for iOS 11.3.1 is now operational for all iPhone users . In addition to correcting some errors found in the previous version (which, incidentally, is the most common), the data package in question resolves the problem encountered by users who at some time had to repair the screen of their iPhone 8 and they had done it outside the official technical service.

Those who updated their device a month ago to iOS 11.3 realized that, just after installing this version, the screen in question did not respond to the users' tactile interaction. Everything that appeared after the update was a screen with the information of the phone. Then the equipment stopped working . So much so that no interaction - no touches or gestures - could do anything to activate the device.

Users who have an iOS 11 compatible device can download the update from now on. All you have to do is access the Configuration> General> Software Update section . If you still do not have it available, do not worry. It should arrive progressively in the next few hours.

At the moment it is to be determined if this same update will solve the problem that affects the configuration of the automatic brightness of the screens repaired by other companies. It seems that this is not a new problem, but is present in the iPhone since the update to iOS 11.1 .

It is possible that, according to experts, this has to do with Apple's willingness to block the TouchID and FaceID sensors for security reasons. However, some point to the will of the firm of the apple to banish this type of third-party services, which harm your business in the field of repairs.



Unfortunately, the screen is broken is an accident of the most frequent. Also on the iPhone. However, it is not the same as breaking the screen of a basic range equipment, splitting half of a device that costs almost 1,000 $ , as is the case with the iPhone 8.

Repairing the screen of an iPhone 8 costs 181.10$ in the official Apple store . If you have an iPhone 8 Plus you will have to pay a little more: 201.10$. Logically, changing the main panel of the equipment in an unofficial technical service can come out cheaper. Hence, many users opt for this option.

About: MehdiMed


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