
iPhone XS has been successfully jailbroken by Pangu

The iPhone XS, available for purchase since last Friday, has been jailbrooded successfully

. The performance was done by Pangu, a team of hackers who proposed public jailbreaks in the past.

Each new iPhone has a new processor that, in addition to being powerful, wants to be more secure than the previous generation, which does not help to create a jailbreak. Here, Pangu has managed to circumvent the new restrictions put in place by Apple and have full access to the iPhone XS to install anything and everything, while this practice is not possible normally.

Will the public see this jailbreak? Generally, jailbreaks of new versions of iOS or new iPhone are more presentations than anything else. But the question of availability this time can really arise knowing that Pangu is behind all this and that the hacker team has already proposed jailbreaks in the past for iOS 8 and iOS 9.

To date, no information is published. We doubt anyway that the jailbreak as it exists today is not stable and is filled with bugs. This is normal after all, optimization is needed to correct the problems initially encountered.

How To Accelerate Android Internet Connection Up To 10 Times

Internet with maximum speed and stable is the desire of every Android smartphone users. Who does not want to have hp internet speed many times, certainly dong you all want. Unfortunately, although already using a smartphone with the best network support at this time is not a guarantee you can get it. Yes, there are many things that trigger the internet on your smartphone to be slow.

Read Also : How To Speed Up The Internet In Windows 7, 8 ,10

Actually, there are many ways to increase internet connection speed on a smartphone, one of which is emptying the cache. Besides also can slow down, cache can also slow the performance of smartphones, cache that increasingly accumulate because it is not cleaned can interfere with the stability of internet connection. Well, here is the most telling way that you can apply to overcome the problem of slow internet in your favorite hp respectively.

1. Best Internet Package

Before speaking the device you use, make sure you have purchased the best and fastest internet package in your area. Therefore, each region is not the same network coverage. It is a good idea to find out whether the internet package provided by your preferred operarot is available and can work well in your place of residence.

2. Block Ads

It is undeniable that the existence of ads can make the use of quotas to be wasteful. Ads can suck up to 80 percent quota. Its presence in a website or blog can also slow down your internet. Hence, to speed up internet connection in your favorite hp, you try to block the ads.

To block ads on the internet, you can choose a browser application that already supports this feature, one of which is UC Browser. This is already supported with Ad Blocker. Similar to UC Browser, Opera Browser is also equipped with similar features, namely AdAway.

3. Compressing the Image

The rapid development of technology today, making the browser developers provide advanced features to save internet quota of its users. This feature is then known as Data Saving.

In addition to saving quotas, saving data also works to speed up internet connection also loh. This dikeranakan saving data will disable the image charge or compress images on the browser to the smallest size, so the loading process becomes faster.

4. Delete the Cache

Well, as I've mentioned a little above, cache also become the trigger slow internet on your phone. The more applications you have installed, will leave the garbage that if ignored will be greater and make smartphone performance becomes slow or slow. In addition to performance, cache that accumulate will also make the process of paying data becomes slow.

To speed up your hp connection , make sure you clear the cache every day. How, please go to the settings - cache - storage - then delete the cache . You can also use third-party applications that you can download to clear cache on your favorite smartphone.

5. Using the 3G / 4G Speed ​​Optimizer Application

For those of you whose smartphone is already in the root, you can speed up internet connection up to 250% using third party applications, ie 3G / 4G Speed ​​Optimizer application. This application works by providing special tweaks that give you the freedom to set and choose internet connection speed

By applying the above ways, guaranteed experience of your internet through hp smartphone Android will become more fun and anti slow. How easy is not how to speed up internet connection on Android this? Hopefully these tips and tricks can help you all.

Android P 9.0: the list of compatible smartphones

Android P 9.0: the list of compatible smartphones

Android P 9.0 is available in a first Developer Preview version since March 7, 2018. The beta is released on a limited number of smartphones on May 7, 2018. Find here the list of all smartphones that are or will be compatible with Android P. We will update it with all the models that will be entitled to a deployment of the last Google OS and with the smartphones that will ship it natively. Five Developer Preview are scheduled between March and July 2018, for a final release confirmed in the third quarter of the year, certainly in August.

Google has released the first version Developer Preview for Android P 9.0 . We provide in this article the list of all smartphones that are confirmed compatible with Android P , either through the deployment of an update or Android P is natively present on the smartphone. For the moment, we know that Google's pixels are of course concerned. This year, Google will drop some Nexus: Nexus 5X and 6P will not receive the update to Android P .

Android P 9.0: the list of compatible smartphones

Android P 9.0 is expected to have better support from Project Treble than Android Oreo. We expect to see, but we should in theory see better software monitoring on the part of manufacturers. We hope that they will play the game of updates, while we were disappointed by the low rate of adoption of Android Oreo. To check which smartphones will surely receive Android P, we invite you to consult the list below. The marks are arranged in alphabetical order.


Zenfone 5 (planned update)


Essential PH-1 (beta available)


Pixel (beta available)
Pixel XL (beta available)
Pixel 2 (beta available)
Pixel 2 XL (beta available)


HTC U11 (planned)
HTC U11 Life (planned)


Honor 9
Honor View 10
Honor 10


Huawei P20
Huawei P20 Pro
Huawei P20 Lite
Huawei Mate 10
Huawei Mate 10 Pro
Huawei P10


Nokia 2.1 (planned)
Nokia 3 (planned)
Nokia 3.1 (planned)
Nokia 5 (planned)
Nokia 5.1 (planned)
Nokia 6 (planned)
Nokia 6 2018 (planned)
Nokia 7 Plus (beta available)
Nokia 8 (planned)
Nokia 8 Sirocco (planned)


LG V30
LG V30 S ThinQ
LG G7 ThinQ


OnePlus 6 (beta available)
OnePlus 5
OnePlus 5T


Oppo R15 Pro (beta available)
Oppo Find X (compatible beta)


Galaxy S9 and S9 +
Glaxy S8 and S8 +
Galaxy Note 8
Galaxy A8 (2018)


Xperia XZ Premium
Xperia XZ2 (available in beta)
Xperia XZ2 Compact (available in beta)


Vivo X21UD (beta available)


Xiaomi Mi A1 (planned)
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s (beta available)

Android P 9.0: How to download the update

We are only at the beginning of Android P 9.0. The Developer Preview releases will run until July 2018 for a final release in the third quarter of 2018, certainly in August, as for Oreo last year. But when the update Android P 9.0 will be available on your smartphone, here is the procedure to install it:

Go to Settings on your smartphone or tablet
Select About device
Choose Software Update
Click Update

Galaxy S10: a prototype promises a future borderless champion

Samsung Galaxy S10 could be launched in January 2019

Galaxy S10, future borderless champion? A photo of a smartphone prototype was shared by the Ice Universe leaker, which specializes in Samsung smartphone leaks. The next model in the S series could include a fingerprint sensor, a speaker and a photo sensor under the screen. Samsung Galaxy S10 could be unveiled by Samsung in January 2019.

Read Also : Galaxy Note 9: Will The Next Samsung Phablette Be Foldable?

Samsung Galaxy S10 should be a turning point for Samsung, which has the ambition to hit hard after a disappointing S9 which is too close to the S8 proposal. One of the special features of the Galaxy S10 should be the presence of a truly borderless screen . The new champion in the field is for now the Oppo Find X, just presented and having a screen ratio of 93.8%.

Samsung Galaxy S10: Samsung could bet on everything borderless

New element to reinforce this hypothesis, a supposed prototype of Samsung Galaxy S10 shared by Ice Universe, the famous leaker that regularly gives us information about the next Samsung smartphones to come out. We notice that the borders are really very thin and that the slab occupies almost all the available space. Of course, more than six months before its release, its design is not yet definitively stopped but this photo allows us to see what it could look like and towards which direction the Korean brand seems to be heading.

It will therefore have to find room for some elements of the smartphone. In late May 2018, Android Hits reported that Samsung Galaxy S10 would be equipped with a built-in piezoelectric speaker on the screen . Another piece of information that made us say that Samsung is moving towards a borderless solution without notch. Samsung Galaxy S10 should also finally offer a fingerprint sensor under the screen , a technology expected from the manufacturer since several models already and finally seems to arrive.

Samsung Galaxy S10 could be launched in January 2019

But what about photo modules? Samsung could try to hide them directly under the screen too, along with another sensor for 3D facial recognition. Samsung Galaxy S10 is expected at the turn: we expect the innovation from Samsung, who does not really take risks recently. The smartphone could be launched in January 2019 , to make room for Samsung Galaxy X at the MWC 2019.

Grayshift: We have already bypassed iOS 12 USB protection

With iOS 12, Apple will introduce a USB protection that will make it harder for companies like Grayshift to crack an iOS device. This has once again officially confirmed Apple yesterday . It seems, however, the cat and mouse game goes into the next round, since Grayshift has already indicated that you could already bypass the USB protection in iOS 12.

Grayshift: "We have already bypassed iOS 12 USB protection"

With iOS 12, Apple implements a new security feature that makes it harder to crack the device. If the protection is activated in the settings, the USB function of the Lightning port is automatically deactivated after one hour, if the device has not been unlocked with the passcode, Face ID or Touch ID in the meantime.

Read Also : Research Workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That Contain Prospect Of Destructive Episodes

In this way Apple wants to fend off Hackingmaßnahmen by boxes such as the GrayKey box. Security authorities who want to crack an iPhone, therefore, would have only one hour after the last unlocking of the device time to perform an appropriate hacking action.

Grayshift claims now in an e-mail correspondence that the company has already managed to circumvent the new USB protection of iOS 12. If the claim is true, a Brute Force attack on an iPhone could be possible on iOS 12 even if the USB protection is active and the device has not been unlocked for more than an hour.

bypass the USB protection in iOS 12.

From the outside it is difficult to assess whether Apple has fully implemented the USB protection with the iOS 12 Beta 1 , and whether Grayshift has actually found a way to circumvent this. In the coming months we will receive the answers. It is clear that Grayshift will do everything to continue to sell the 15,000-USD GrayKey boxes. (via motherboard )

What to choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS

What to choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS

That's about to come out Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. About his impressive innovations can be learned from this magnificent article. But there is no release yet, and the phones in the editorial office are already hot - everyone wants to know whether to update or not at once, how will Bionic Beaver come out?

Our editorial staff interviewed the best rebels of the country and came to the conclusion that we do not need to be updated. Although this is called a release, in addition to the extended support time, we all know the quality of work from the Shuttleworth team. The best bubbitters of the country are advised to wait on April 18, 01 and then boldly updated.

Is there an exception to this rule? It turns out there is. If you are the lucky owner of a video card from AMD, then you need to update. The matter is that in 18.04 the opensor driver working out of a box is essentially improved. Some experts say that it is so good that you can even go to beta 18.04 for it without waiting and just update right after the final version is released.

And who does not need to be updated at all? To those who fell in love with Unity. At 16.04 there is still this magnificent shopping-shell, whereas in 18.04 there will already be a spiritless GNOME.

Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence should not be updated. According to the intelligence reports, TensorFlow requires CUDA, and CUDA at 18.04 is still not supported. Hurry with the upgrade you can not create Skynet.

So what should an average Ubuntu user do? Wait for the first point-release 18.04 and be updated.

How to speed up the Internet in Windows 7, 8 ,10

Is it possible to speed up the Internet at all? Easily! Below is a simple set of measures that allows you to significantly increase the speed of the Internet in Windows.

Is it possible to speed up the Internet at all? Easily! Below is a simple set of measures that allows you to significantly increase the speed of the Internet in Windows.

Potential for acceleration 

For example, if you have 10 Mbps in a contract with a provider, in reality you will get a download speed somewhere at the level of 1 megabyte per second, or even lower. The fact is that Windows has a QoS service that can reserve up to 20% of its speed for its tasks. And the browser is waiting for a response from DNS-servers. And in the running cases, the browser can be turned off hardware acceleration of page rendering. And then web-surfing turns into anguish. Therefore, if you disable QoS, enable DNS query caching, and enable hardware acceleration in the browser, the speed of the Internet can grow at times.

The easiest way to speed up the Internet in Windows 

The easiest and safest way to disable QoS and add 20% to speed is to edit the security policy. You do not need to go into the registry and risk the performance of the entire computer, just remove one tick in the convenient settings editor.

So, click "Start" → "Run" and enter the name: gpedit.msc. The Security Policy Editor opens. We successively go on the following route: "Computer Configuration" → "Administrative Templates" → "Network" → " QoS Packet Scheduler ". Enable "Limit redundant bandwidth," but specify 0% as a reserve. Done.

Increase DNS cache for network acceleration 

The role of the DNS cache is to store the IP addresses of all Internet sites that you visit most often. If you have a tendency to very often visit certain Internet resources (for example social networks VK, Facebook, Twiter, various blogs or multimedia resources of YouTube, StumbleUpon), then the increase in the DNS cache of your browser should be positive for download speed of these Internet pages. To increase the size of the cache, you must perform the following actions:

Click on the "Start" button, type in the search word "regedit" and press the Enter key. You need to start the Registry Editor. Then in the editor you need to go the following way:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ DNScache \ Parameters

Next, right-click the mouse to add the following four DWORDs:


And assign them the following values:

CacheHashTableBucketSize - set the value to 1
CacheHashTableSize - set the value to 384
MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit - set the value to 64000
MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit - set the value to 301

Next, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Speed ​​up the Internet by disabling QoS 

As it became known, in XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10 there is a system for reserving the width of the Internet channel. This system (QoS Reserved Bandwidth Limit) specifically limits your traffic to allow normal operation and the transmission of traffic to higher priority applications, such as Update Center or other priority components. The width of the reserved channel is about 20% of the maximum speed of your Internet. That is, with this restriction, you really only use 80% of the speed that the provider provides to you. Therefore, changing this percentage can significantly accelerate the work of your browser and downloading the Internet pages. In order to reduce the width of the reserved channel in Windows 7, you must perform the following actions:

As in the previous case, click on the "Start" button, type in the search word "regedit" and press the Enter key. You need to start the Registry Editor. Then in the editor you need to go the following way:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft

Then right in the left window on the key "Windows" create a new key (Key) under the name "Psched" as it is shown in the picture:

Now right-click on the newly created key in the left part of the window and create a new parameter of type "DWORD" and give it the name "NonBestEffortLimit". To disable the channel reservation, set the "NonBestEffortLimit" key to "0".

Disabling TCP autoconfiguration 

In Windows 7, the auto-tuning function is enabled by default. This function can be one of the reasons why some individual sites or Internet services can be slowly loaded, since this function does not work effectively with a large number of different servers for speed of access. In order to disable the autoconfiguration of TCP, you must run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator and enter the following command into it:
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel = disabled

Next, you must close the command prompt and reboot the computer for the changes to take effect.
In order to return the autoconfiguration of TCP, you need to enter the following command at the command line (running as administrator):
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel = normal
And then reboot the computer. 

Hardware browser acceleration 

In some cases, you may have noticed that viewing certain specific Internet pages from your browser is much slower than in previous versions of the same browser. This may be due to the fact that at the moment your browser uses the software rendering mode instead of the GPU rendering mode by default (that is, rendering using hardware acceleration with the help of a graphics processor). This can happen with users who have outdated video cards or drivers to them, which in turn do not support or cease to support hardware acceleration of the GPU. A possible solution to this problem may be to install the latest version of the video adapter driver, which supports GPU hardware acceleration.

If this problem has not been solved by installing the last driver for the video card, the only way out of this situation may be to replace the current video card with a newer one, which will support hardware acceleration with the help of the GPU.

But you can see in what mode your browser works. This, as a rule, can be viewed in the advanced settings of the browser, and more specifically the hardware acceleration option.

An example of how to see whether hardware acceleration is enabled for Internet Explorer :
  1. Open Internet Explorer and go to the settings menu "Tools -> Internet Options"
  2. On the Advanced tab, you should see an option to speed up graphics.
Now make sure that the check box is selected next to the option "Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering." If the box is checked, then Internet Explorer uses the software rendering mode. Select the checkbox if you want IE to go into GPU rendering mode. If this option is grayed out and does not change, then your video card or its driver does not support hardware acceleration for the browser.
An example of how to see whether hardware acceleration is enabled for Mozilla Firefox

Launch Firefox and open the browser settings using the "Tools -> Options" menu.
Click on the "Advanced" tab, where you should see the "Browsing" section on the "General" tab. In this section there is an option called "If possible, use hardware acceleration" (use hardware acceleration when available). If this option is not selected, then your browser uses the software rendering mode. Check the box to enable Firefox to start using hardware acceleration if its graphics subsystem supports it.

How to Speed ​​Up Internet in Windows 8 with NameBench 

When your browser tries to access the site, it first accesses the DNS name server. The problem is that this server is physically located at your ISP. And what are the small commercial companies famous for? That's right - the desire to save on everything. Therefore, the equipment for DNS service is bought weak. Well, you are trying to enter the site, the browser is accessing the slow DNS server of the provider and there is a delay, which can take several seconds. And now remember that every page of the site can contain pictures, videos, Flash, etc. from other sites. This again DNS requests to the slow server. As a result, the losses are added and the deceleration becomes noticeable. What to do? The answer is obvious: you need to use the fastest DNS servers. Find them and help the program NameBench .

What are we waiting for? Download the NameBench program(free) and run it. Installation is not required. After starting, specify your country, the browser you are using and click the Start Benchmark button. The program will try several dozen DNS-servers and select the fastest for you. On average, you can find a server that runs 2-3 times faster than your ISP's DNS.

After NameBench finds the smartest DNS, you will be shown the IP address of this server. It's something you need to register in the connection settings. Everything is as usual:

How to speed up the Internet in Windows 7, 8 ,10

You will be pleasantly surprised when you notice that the Internet has become much faster!

How To Easily block Ads On Android Without Root

How To Easily block Ads On Android Without Root

blocks Ads On Android Without Root - The easiest way for Android to have wide access and can be operated at will that is with Android meroot itself. But by accessing root on Android Smartphone will remove the warranty from the factory. Therefore, many people are reluctant to root on their Android Smartphone, especially with the state of Android already in Root then it is easy to get the virus. But even so there are still many users who do root on their Android destination so that Android has better access.

7 Android apps infected with virus You should delete them now on your phone

Going back to the basics of how to get rid of ads on Android Apps is easy even though Android Smartphone still does not have root access or is not rooted yet.Easy Way to Eliminate Ads On Android Without Root is very suitable for those of you who do not want their favorite Android in the root. And here's how please check in carefully.
Easy Way to Eliminate Ads on Android Without Root

1. Please Download Adblock Browser or can also in Google Play Store

2. Then Install and open the Application.

3. After that go to Settings menu >> Adblocking

4. After that go to the Adblocking menu click Acceptablle Ads, then uncheck the " Allow some non-intrusive advertising ". Done

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Experts in the usa and also Cina are already undertaking tests to help demonstrate in which "hidden" commands, or these undetectable for you to human ear, may reach AI assistants similar to Siri in addition to force those to carry out measures their particular managers certainly not planned. The research ended up being highlighted in a very piece nowadays because of the The New York Times, recommending these subliminal directions can certainly face phone numbers, start web sites, and even more potentially destructive behavior in the event used in an unacceptable arms.

A gaggle of students in the University or college associated with California, Berkeley along with Georgetown College or university posted a study papers this specific month, stating which they can introduce commands directly into songs recordings or even voiced text. Whenever performed around an Amazon online Match or perhaps Apple iphone, anyone would certainly merely find out your song or another person chatting, although Siri as well as Alexa "might find out a great training to provide something for a shopping list. inch Or, much more hazardous, open opportunities, cable income out of your financial institution, and get items on the web.

IOS 11.3.1 Solves The Problem Of Users Who Had Repaired The Screen

Your method by which this pupils could actually accomplish the concealed commands won't be a problem with the general public at large, nevertheless one of many paper's creators, Nicholas Carlini, thinks malevolent events might by now be doing inroads having similar technological know-how.

“We wanted to notice in case we're able to ensure it is even more stealthy, ” mentioned Nicholas Carlini, any fifth-year Ph. Debbie. college student inside personal computer stability in You. C. Berkeley in addition to one of several paper’s creators of these studies.

Mr. Carlini included that even though there seemed to be zero research that these tactics have gone this research, perhaps it will solely become a make a difference of time before an individual starts off exploiting these. “My supposition is usually how the malevolent individuals already hire people to do precisely what I truly do, ” he or she stated.

Not too long ago, analysts centered from Princeton School as well as Zheijiang College within China and taiwan conducted equivalent exams, demonstrating which AI assistants might be turned on by means of frequencies not necessarily read simply by people. In the technique named "DolphinAttack, inches your experts developed any transmitter to deliver your undetectable control that dialed a certain cell phone number, whilst various other testing had taken pics along with delivered texting. DolphinAttack is usually considered limited with regards to range, even so, as it "must always be near to the getting product. inches

DolphinAttack might plough concealed voice instructions in 7 state-of-the-art talk acceptance methods (e. gary., Siri, Alexa) to help initialize always-on program in addition to gain a variety of violence, such as causing Siri to be able to start any FaceTime turn to iphone, activating Google Currently to switch the device towards air function, and in some cases manipulating your course-plotting technique within the Audi auto.

With an additional group of analysis, a bunch on the College or university connected with Il in Urbana-Champaign proven this assortment restriction may be increased, displaying codes received through 20 ft out. Pertaining to the most up-to-date group of analysts via Berkeley, Carlini informed The revolutionary You are able to Instances which he had been "confident" his / her group would shortly manage to provide effective requires "against any kind of wise device method on the market. " He said the actual party desires to influence organizations that this downside is often a probable issue, "and next desire which many people may point out, 'O. K. that is achievable, now why don't we make an attempt to remedy it. '"

With regard to safety requirements, Apple will be rigid having certain HomeKit-related Siri instructions, locking these behind system passcodes anytime consumers get passcodes allowed. For example, if you need to unlock the home having a connected wise fastener, you can question Siri to accomplish this, but you need to enter ones passcode with an new iphone 4 as well as ipad tablet after providing your get. The HomePod, alternatively, actively lacks this particular functionality.

source :macrumors

iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen

iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen of their iPhone 8 in a third party.

iOS 11.3.1 solves the problem of users who had repaired the screen of their iPhone 8 in a third party.

Just a couple of weeks ago we told you that the update to iOS 11.3 left many iPhone 8 users in the lurch . Although only those who had a problem with the screen of their device and had sent it to repair an unofficial technical service .

As on other occasions, Apple wanted to punish users who would not have taken to repair their iPhone 8 in the technical service of the company itself. We thought it would happen and it has been: the update for iOS 11.3.1 corrects this problem, so that users affected by this incident can use their iPhone again without any inconvenience.

The Apple company already blocked through an iOS update the iPhone 7 that had been repaired, but for some reason, had not gone through the hands of Apple's technical service. At the time, the Cupertino took a step back and had to launch a new update to unlock the iPhone 7 of those affected.



The update for iOS 11.3.1 is now operational for all iPhone users . In addition to correcting some errors found in the previous version (which, incidentally, is the most common), the data package in question resolves the problem encountered by users who at some time had to repair the screen of their iPhone 8 and they had done it outside the official technical service.

Those who updated their device a month ago to iOS 11.3 realized that, just after installing this version, the screen in question did not respond to the users' tactile interaction. Everything that appeared after the update was a screen with the information of the phone. Then the equipment stopped working . So much so that no interaction - no touches or gestures - could do anything to activate the device.

Users who have an iOS 11 compatible device can download the update from now on. All you have to do is access the Configuration> General> Software Update section . If you still do not have it available, do not worry. It should arrive progressively in the next few hours.

At the moment it is to be determined if this same update will solve the problem that affects the configuration of the automatic brightness of the screens repaired by other companies. It seems that this is not a new problem, but is present in the iPhone since the update to iOS 11.1 .

It is possible that, according to experts, this has to do with Apple's willingness to block the TouchID and FaceID sensors for security reasons. However, some point to the will of the firm of the apple to banish this type of third-party services, which harm your business in the field of repairs.



Unfortunately, the screen is broken is an accident of the most frequent. Also on the iPhone. However, it is not the same as breaking the screen of a basic range equipment, splitting half of a device that costs almost 1,000 $ , as is the case with the iPhone 8.

Repairing the screen of an iPhone 8 costs 181.10$ in the official Apple store . If you have an iPhone 8 Plus you will have to pay a little more: 201.10$. Logically, changing the main panel of the equipment in an unofficial technical service can come out cheaper. Hence, many users opt for this option.

eSIM - what's next with this technology?

The successor of SIM cards was supposed to be eSIM technology, but we will have to wait for its mass implementation.

The successor of SIM cards was supposed to be eSIM technology, but we will have to wait for its mass implementation.

The GSMA organization has announced that it is postponing the development of eSIM due to an investigation by the Department of Justice. It is a collusion between the largest US operators who are to deliberately slow down the development of technology. The introduction of eSIM to all phones and smartphones will cause that users will not be tied to one network, and switching to competition services will be child's play.

What is eSIM? It's an idea to replace the removable SIM cards with one built-in. In principle, this invention was to help manufacturers design enclosures, and help users to solve the problem of lost cards.

Such a function does not mean attachment to one operator - the built-in card could, after appropriate configuration, support any service provider. This would also open up new opportunities for manufacturers who could sign agreements with operators regarding the default configuration of the embedded card for a specific network. eSIM also solves the problem of handling multiple cards - virtual profiles allow you to freely switch between different accounts / numbers

New AMD processors with Vega graphics coming soon

AMD Ryzen, Ryzen APU, Radeon Vega AMD, Ryzen 3 2200GE, Ryzen 5 2400GE

Good, integrated graphics.

After the premiere of the new generation of second generation processors, AMD does not intend to fill pears in ash - new, low-voltage APU systems equipped with Ryzen processors and graphic systems from the Vega family go on sale .

Two new models are Ryzen 3 2200GE and Ryzen 5 2400GE , based on the basic, previously presented APU without the letter "E" in the name. These are actually the same models, although with a reduced energy demand, which may result in their more common use not only in laptops, but also in miniPC computers. TDP in this case drops from 65 to 35W, so it is a really significant difference.

Ryzen 3 2200GE is a quad-core system supporting four threads, the base frequency of 3.2 GHz (3.6 GHz in Turbo mode), with Vega 8 graphics clocked at 1100 MHz. Ryzen 5 2400GE is clocked in the same frequency, but offers the capabilities of a Vega 11 graphics chip with 1250 MHz clock speed. Interestingly, both of these systems will offer unlocked multipliers, which means that they are prone to overclocking.

AMD Will Prepare Security Updates For Processors

The processors will debut at really good prices - Ryzen 3 2200GE is expected to cost $ 100, while for Ryzena 5 2400GE we will pay $ 163. So it seems that these APUs can be a good base for creating cheap and offering good performance of computers, also based on a passive cooling system.

AMD Ryzen, Ryzen APU, Radeon Vega AMD, Ryzen 3 2200GE, Ryzen 5 2400GE

Best way to Increase More Views on YouTube Videos

“ how to Increase Views on YouTube Video ” I provided some tips to him and I thought to reveal those ideas in my blog page so that it will end up being helpful to everyone.

Boost More Views on YouTube Videos

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Tips to enhance YouTube Views

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some. Carry out SEO For Your YouTube Video.

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Added bonus Tips:

  • One of a kind Title with Your Keyword.
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Offer several backlink to your online video Online video This help the video meant for better search position.
  • Getting More Feelings about Vimeo Videos
  • How to Get More Suggestions in YouTube Videos
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Use Your Interpersonal Pages and industry Your Channel.

Share the Video clips to your social mass media like Facebook or myspace, Twitter, Google+ etc .,

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Great Video Croping and editing

Use some Very good program to edit your Movies there are several free software available in on line.

Love is definitely sharing, Reveal this post with your friends.

check if your data has been made available to Cambridge Analytica

On this page you will check if your data has been made available to Cambridge Analytica

On this page you will check if your data has been made available to Cambridge Analytica

The function is available on Facebook.

hearing of Marek Zuckerberg before the US Congress lasting over five hours has received wide coverage in the media.

We already know that more data has been submitted to Cambridge Analytica than originally thought. In the meantime information about users from Poland came out and they fell victim to a bad application collecting the data.

The data leak may affect about 57 thousand. people using Facebook in Poland . The website of Marek Zuckerberg has just released a special page where we can check whether our data have fallen into the wrong hands.

How to check if your data leaked into Cambridge Analytica Facebook has announced that people exposed to data leakage will receive appropriate notifications after visiting the site in the browser or directly on the smartphone.

You can also visit a special site (of course, you must log in to your FB account) where the relevant information will be displayed.

In the absence of threat displays the message: We have established that your data from Facebook have not been communicated by the company Cambridge Analytica application "This Is Your Digital Life". 

On this page you will check if your data has been made available to Cambridge Analytica

At the same time Facebook announced that analyzes all applications on our platform and performs a full audit of applications whose activity raises suspicions. If it turns out that some developers have abused identification information, the application will be blocked.

Source: Facebook

Sam Fisher at Ghost Recon Wildlands

Ubisoft announced that there will be a free, special Splinter Cell mission in Ghost Recon Wildlands that will feature the legendary Sam Fisher with the voice of Michael Ironside. This will be part of Special Operation I, the first major addition of the second year of editorial content for the game.

Ubisoft announced that there will be a free, special Splinter Cell mission in Ghost Recon Wildlands

Beginning April 10, Ghost Recon Wildlands will bring a host of Splinter Cell content to the main game, as well as PvP Ghost War mode, a new PvE mission, unique personalization elements and a new PvP Ghost War class. Players will be able to fight alongside Sam Fisher, the cult figure of the critically acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell spy series, and help him complete the new mission of high-risk infiltration in the future of fictitious Bolivia. This new special challenge will be playable solo or in cooperation mode for four players. This will be one of the most difficult missions that the Spirits have faced up to now. During this nocturnal mission, players will have to act in hiding and use all available tools.

After completing the Splinter Cell mission, players will receive unique items such as Sam's iconic sonar goggles, a new night vision filter, and more. Although the mission will be available in the game forever, these rewards will only be available until the end of the special challenge, which runs until May 16. In addition to rewards for completing the quest, players will be able to personalize and arm their Spirits using Splinter Cell Equipment Pack, which includes new personalization items and new weapons, such as Karambit knife, unique melee blade, inspired by Splinter Cell: Blacklist or fully personalized prototype SC 4000 Splinter Cell assault rifle.

Special Operation 1 is also Echelon, a new assault class available in all PvP modes, which will extend the Ghost War cast to 18 unique classes. Echelon is part of the team of the 4th eszelon Sam Fisher, and therefore has access to the latest technologies, such as the ability of a sonar impulse, which allows him to see enemies behind the walls (at a short distance) and gain a tactical advantage over the enemy unit. Players in Ghost War will gain early access to the new class by spending prestige points or through the 2nd year pass.



Microsoft has made available the source code of one of the main Windows 3.0 applications - File Manager.

Microsoft has made available the source code of one of the main Windows 3.0 applications - File Manager.

Microsoft, wanting to remind users of old times, made it possible to install Windows 10 file manager on every Windows computer. It is a very simple, but clear and functional application that allows you to manage the resources stored on your computer.

To install the program, download the package with the file from the GitHub portal  at this address

The Microsoft Windows system has been over 30 years. With its development, we could see how the technology changes, and thus the world that surrounds us. Windows 3.0 was developed in 1990-1993 and it was the first version of the interface that was commercially successful.

Intel recommends deleting its application "Remote Keyboard"

Intel has identified serious security holes in the remote keyboard remote control of desktop computers and mice.

Intel has identified serious security holes in the remote keyboard remote control of desktop computers and mice. 

The company stressed the need to delete the application from smart phones and tablets.

The hackers may be able to manipulate keyboard inputs or leak malicious code onto computers to penetrate and spy on important information and data,

Intel said. US company has already removed the application from the App Store Apple and Google Play, and confirmed that it will not update the application but will completely stop it .

Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: What's New in the Next Update

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update available to Insiders brings a host of new features

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update available to Insiders brings a host of new features across two separate versions. Microsoft continues tracking efforts for its operating system as a service. We take stock of all the novelties introduced.

The pace of new updates for Windows 10 does not slow down. Microsoft has set a goal to provide a new one every 6 months. Next spring, users will be able to experience the new update, Spring Creators Update , which will be deployed to everyone once the test period is over. For the moment, it is only the participants of the preliminary versions, the Insiders, who can access it. Let's take a look at the latest novelties introduced.

Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: Microsoft introduces new features

We had highlighted the "ultimate performance" mode of Windows 10 . This is a more advanced mode than the performance mode currently in place and reserved for Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. This is not all since the publisher provides access control UWP applications and the user can manage the permissions by itself through a dialog box. It's also about some other new features and bugfixes:

Timeline integration

The Windows timeline is a kind of history of the session, which will find his work over a period of 30 days. It will be possible to see the history of all the applications that have been launched, with the option of restoring a job. Thus, in case of data loss or file overwriting, it will be possible to recover an old version of his work. Initially, only Microsoft Edge and Office applications, such as Excel, Word, and Powerpoint, will be affected by this feature.

Improved Microsoft Edge

The Microsoft Internet browser will have fixes to make it more stable, but also new features. This way, he / she will be able to automatically fill in the online form fields with your data, surname, first name, address, telephone number, etc. Another interesting addition, the browser will cut the sound of a tab, without mute the others. Finally, it will also allow you to save books in EPUB format.

Focus Assistant

The upcoming update includes this new wizard that will manage the availability schedule to receive notifications. This tool determines the receipt of notifications according to three criteria: all, only priority and none. But it adds to this management a criterion of schedule and activity in progress. After the update, ended the notifications during the movies! And not to miss anything, the Focus Wizard will present a summary of the notifications while it was in sleep mode.

Deleting telemetry data

Coupled with the free Diagnostic Data Viewer application , a new tool will allow you to see all the information that is transmitted to Microsoft from your device. But above all, the application will erase all transmitted telemetry data.

Cortana is still improving

The Windows Assistant will be getting new features with the update. It will be able to participate in the management of the timeline, described above. But it will also have a list of applications that it can synchronize with other devices. Finally, among the other features provided by the Spring Creator Update that will arrive this spring, we can mention:

  • A complete makeover of the operating system is integrated with Fluent Design
  • Bluetooth connection is simplified for Surface Precision Mouse
  • HDR video stream management
  • Easy Bluetooth file transfer with Near Share
  • Ability to limit bandwidth when updating the OS
  • Emojis owe to a facelift
  • Skip Ahead allows you to skip one version to move to the next
  • Hello: a bug preventing its operation on some computers is fixed
  • Windows Store: Hotfix to Fix 0x80070057 and 0x803FB005 Errors

Microsoft is also taking the opportunity to enhance the security of Windows 10 and is actively preparing the end of passwords . The giant proposes for example Microsoft Authenticator available on Android and iOS via an application adding to the facial recognition or a PIN code. It will have to wait several weeks before landing the news announced by the giant in final version.

Tim Cook airs sights upon United states production, DACA

Tim Cook airs sights upon United states production, DACA, as well as Independence associated with Talk

Tim Cook's politics remarks throughout the current MSNBC job interview handled upon numerous places, which range from the actual government's immigration guidelines as well as dealing with associated with DACA, in order to Ough. Utes. work development, as well as their sights upon Apple's dealing with associated with questionable content material within applications as well as providers functional about the corporation's items.

Tim Cook airs sights upon United states production, DACA, as well as Independence associated with Talk

The Apple CEO undertaken the actual query associated with the reason why this creates i-phones within The far east rather than the Usa, through stating it's not accurate. "We tend to be creating points in the usa, inch Prepare stated, observing the actual fixation about the last set up carried out within The far east, at the same time "global world" manufacturing demands duties as well as elements to become created or even carried out in various locations.

The actual iPhone's show cup manufacturing within Kentucky, the different potato chips produced throughout america, as well as gear required to create the actual completed item can be found because evidence of this particular idea at the office. In addition the actual FaceID component utilized in the actual apple iphone By is going to be produced in Tx later on, along with vegetation additionally becoming setup in several additional areas in the united kingdom.

Talking about the actual stress through Leader Jesse Trump to do much more production inside the Ough. Utes., Prepare pointed out the organization did not have to produce work for that nation's labor force. "We've recently been carrying this out. inch

 "We realize that Apple company might just happen to be produced in the usa, inch Prepare says, underlining the actual loyal qualifications from the organization. "We adore this particular nation. We are patriots. This really is the nation. Wish to produce as numerous work within the Ough. Utes. once we may. inch

 Shifting in order to immigration, MSNBC Web host Bob Hayes requested if it's tougher for individuals in order to migrate in order to america in the present politics environment. Prepare very first replied through observing the problem with regard to college students to get visas, along with the higher price associated with going to university in the united kingdom.

 Prepare managed to move on to go over Deferred Motion with regard to Years as a child Arrivals (DACA), a course that safeguards immigrants introduced in to The united states because kids through becoming deported, as well as Prepare offers frequently campaigned in order to save. Technology frontrunners possess advised congress to place rights for that so-called "Dreamers" in position, however in spite of it's forthcoming termination, absolutely no organization option may be authorized in to regulation.

 "As a good United states, I'm totally upset, inch Prepare gives, phoning this the ethical concern rather than 1 regarding immigration, and something which "goes towards the primary associated with that we're because People in america. inch

 Counseling it will not have access to already been suspended, Prepare conveys frustration concerning the scenario along with each Republican as well as Democratic events. Prepare statements people of every celebration tend to be informing him or her they don't want DACA individuals in order to depart the nation, however simultaneously absolutely nothing substantive has been carried out concerning the issue through possibly aspect from the section.

 "My eyesight associated with The united states is actually, should you function difficult, you may make this. As well as We nevertheless think that, inch he or she announced. "I think the best point may nevertheless occur. inch

 Following a current protests as well as requires modifications in order to weapon laws and regulations within the Ough. Utes. motivated through high-profile college shootings, Hayes requested the reason why Apple company is actually "streaming" NRA TELEVISION, the actual Apple company TELEVISION movie support made by the actual Nationwide Gun Organization. Prepare remedied him or her, observing "We do not flow this. All of us location the actual application about the Application Shop. inch

 "Do I love their own strategies or even their own placement? Absolutely no, inch recommends Prepare. "Some from the points they have stated may be extremely horrible. inch

 Nevertheless, Prepare thinks it is necessary for that open public to determine both NRA's perspective and people of the alternative viewpoint. He or she will alert which, when the NRA's unsupported claims strolls to the route associated with detest talk, the actual application is going to be stop.

 "In the democracy, independence associated with talk should have because broad of the description as you possibly can, inch the actual Apple CEO  indicates. "But, should not consist of detest talk.

 Cook's remarks had been created included in a good job interview to have an occurrence associated with "Revolution" airing 04 6, recorded previously these days. The actual sequence selection interviews the actual frontrunners associated with main technology businesses, talking about their own effect on regions of existence, using the very first payment within The month of january including Search engines CEO Sundar Pichai as well as Youtube CEO Leslie Wojcicki.

 The current job interview area from Street Technology University Preparation Senior high school within Chi town, IL. had been the actual location with regard to yesterday's Apple's 'Field Trip' occasion, in which the organization exposed numerous equipment as well as software program items, such as a brand new apple ipad, that may help to improve the training associated with college students.

source: appleinsider

How you can Chose greatest Wireless Router Manufacturers?

buy Best Wireless Router Manufacturers?

Chose greatest Wireless Router Manufacturers is definitely an essential necessity, without which cannot aspire to function with this very developing social atmosphere. A sluggish connection cannot only end up being an irritation but may hamper companies and help to make everyday tasks a genuine burden.

Chose greatest Wireless Router Manufacturers is definitely an essential necessity, without which cannot aspire to function with this very developing social atmosphere.

Since there are lots to chose in the market it is advisable to research and buy Router that could suit the needs you have. With the actual explosion within technology, the actual onset associated with high-resolution movies, online video games, and smart phone devices rushing for link, the aged Routers happen to be pushed for their limits. If you wish to enjoy high-speed internet it is advisable to buy among the newer variations.

Some from the big brands to think about:

Linksys: connects all of your devices to do high-speed web tasks, great for gaming as well as device large homes. If you have several devices for connecting or like to play high-resolution video games this Router is the greatest fit for you personally. 802. 11b/g/n/ac – Wireless regular, up in order to 3200 Mbps, 6 energetic antennas, 1 GHz dual-core along with prices starting as little as 3000inr.

Netgear: a business with the trustworthiness of introducing the very first high-speed wi-fi compatability Router, Netgear packs a variety of products to match various house needs. Too numerous devices no problem, just the pc or even an office filled with computers, Netgear variety and high-speed resolution has you protected.

Asus: provides the ultimate wi-fi compatability Router with regard to gaming nerds as well as professional gamers. High-speed web means absolutely no lags as you play CS or even Dota. The higher color resolutions increase the whole video gaming experience.

TP-Link: effortless to set up ideal with regard to home circumstances, for college students and social networking surfers. It may be used effectively for smaller businesses, the gadget is little and smooth and complements most house decors

Google: A name you are able to trust. Search engines has a few amazing products for houses and large offices, multiple devices could be connected without having feeling the actual lag or even overload.

TRENDNET: TRENDNET has an enhanced Wireless experience for that home as well as makes movie streaming, document sharing, and web suffering a great deal faster as well as effortless.

Synology: makes system management possible for power users also it professionals. Best suited to small in order to medium-sized company operations they offer numerous designs to meet your requirements.

 Some points to consider when selecting a new Router:

  • It ought to be AC-1200 or even more: anything below which means its a mature version and can not assistance heavy products.
  • It ought to be Dual-band: meaning the Wireless transmission works upon two frequencies.
  • It will have an easy processor and lots of RAM, to aid high promises videos, online game streaming as well as high-speed document and information sharing.
  • It must have a minumum of one USB interface.
  • It must have a smart phone app, so you may connect if you're near the actual Router.

Wireless Wi-fi Routers could be confusing to look for, all which technical lingo and companies throwing close to tech phrases we hardly understand makes it an uphill job. But the simple truth is that everybody today includes a high need for web connection, and using a good Router can be quite beneficial for those homes as well as offices. Imagine you had been on an essential skype conference or that you simply were delivering some delicate data throughout, you want a safe and high-speed network and never a connection that could lag or even cause bugs inside your devices. Laggy on the internet gaming, slow streaming of the favorite exhibits and films, the terrible buffering, most of us have faced these types of frustrating difficulties. The old Routers can't support several device cable connections, high-resolution movies or safe file discussing, so while you might believe your present wifi-Router is okay in reality you could have a far better experience with among the new Wireless Routers.

Easy steps that will help you buy an ideal Router:

Know your online speed, you are able to call your company for these details. It is actually ideal to purchase a Router which supports a lot more than your web speed. For instance, if your own speed is actually 100mbps compared to your Router to aid at minimum 100 mbps.

Know your financial allowance: since you will find, many items to selected from it is advisable to outline the budget to be able to narrow your own search.

Know the length or space you would like your Router to pay for. If it’s a little home the majority of devices would have been a perfect fit for you personally, but a lot of walls, multiple flooring etc may slow the actual connectivity and you may want to purchase several Router. Know exactly what devices you intend to connect for your Router.

Make a summary of all the actual devices you need to connect the web too. Printers as well as devices focusing on a higher bandwidth need bigger Routers.

Know that brand you need to buy through. After just a little market investigation ideally narrow right down to a couple of brand titles, you may also contact customer service for additional information and question them what would meet your requirements.

The best approach to take about anything would be to not overburden yourself using the information you will possibly not even realize, but to become fully aware of your requirements, purchasing a Router is precisely like purchasing any brand new smart gadget. It is definitely an investment, which is your option. Do not really let producers suck you right into a world associated with technical phrases and extravagant offers. It's ideal in order to conduct your personal research depending on your spending budget and necessity. A large home may require multiple Routers while a for any gamer a little but high-speed Router is the greatest fit.

You might feel such as this isn’t which important, that you can simply purchase any Router available for sale, but the simple truth is that 1 size doesn't fit just about all. But it's also important not to get overcome and end up getting something far too expensive to your requirements or something which is useless over time.

7 Android apps infected with virus You should delete them now on your phone

According to Sophos, malware known as Andr / HiddnAd-AJ infected more than one million Android users through the Google Play Store directly before being removed from the official store.

According to Sophos, malware known as Andr / HiddnAd-AJ infected more than one million Android users through the Google Play Store directly before being removed from the official store. The virus, according to Sophos, has been able to pass through Google Play's safety checks because it is "cleverly hidden" within applications that look innocen

Comparison Of The Best Free Anti-Malware

This new security scandal for Google Play, revealed by the company "Sophos" where it revealed that they found at least seven of the infected applications available in the Google Play store. One was a smart compass, and the others were reading QR codes. One of the infected applications has been downloaded from  more than 500 million downloads.

According to Sophos, malware known as Andr / HiddnAd-AJ infected more than one million Android users through the Google Play Store directly before being removed from the official store.

The new virus that comes into these applications works intelligently and is programmed to work six hours after the infected application is installed. This is enough for the application to pass through Google's testing tools without being detected.

Once engaged on a victim's mobile phone, he frequently displays ads on web pages and on the device's home screen. Unfortunately, the malicious software code was hidden in a common library used by Android developers. Of course after Google's warning, the company removed all of these applications from the store, but did not give any official opinion on the issue.

It is recommended that you delete this type of application on your smartphone, and search for an old application of this kind with high evaluation in Google Play, and if you notice any random ads on your device, delete any suspicious application.

Tags : android, google, malware, sophoslabs, adware, android, google play, malware, sophoslabs

Which are the best smart thermostat in 2018?

Here are the best smart thermostats for intelligently heating and cooling your home and giving you control via your iOS or Android device.

Smart Thermostat : whether living in the city or in the countryside, in a studio, an apartment or a house, the question of the budget allocated to gas and electricity is a major concern. Several simple solutions exist to save money on the bill and waste fewer resources. With this guide, learn more about connected thermostats, whether smart or related to services like Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit.

Here are the best smart thermostats for intelligently heating and cooling your home and giving you control via your iOS or Android device.

Spring is timidly replacing winter, but the cold continues. This is a time of year when the energy consumption of households will be high and difficult to manage between the times when temperatures soften and those where they fall. It may be time to think about getting a connected thermostat to regulate the ambient temperature of your home.

A Smart thermostat, what is it?

Nest, Netatmo, Qivivo ... We have all heard these names at least once and we are able to say that they are Smart thermostats. On the other hand, if we are asked what is a Smart thermostat, or even a thermostat, the answer is much less obvious to formulate. At random, we explain that it is a plastic case that is fixed to a place in his house or apartment and that allows to adjust the temperature of the room. It's a good start, but it's a bit more complicated than that.

Since the invention of the thermostat in 1886 by a certain Albert Butz, this system of temperature regulation has largely democratized and technological advances require, the latter has become connected (in WiFi, with the Internet box). Today's thermostats are controlled by a smartphone, a tablet or directly from a PC, and can be controlled remotely, to better manage its energy consumption.

Smart thermostat What is it for?

Well, to reduce its consumption and consequently, its expenses. Depending on the product, there are more or less advanced features, depending mostly on the intelligence of the thermostat, or what you expect.

Whether the thermostat is connected or not, there is one essential function:  programming . This will allow you to schedule departures on weekends or holidays, but also to manage the temperature according to your working days for example, and thus avoid heating the habitat for furniture. And the simpler the programming mode, the more attractive the product becomes.

For connected products of this type, functions such as weather forecasts, consumption statistics, calculation of thermal inertia (speed of cooling or heating of a fireplace for optimal adjustment), or integration of a guest mode  (to allow connections from several people from the home in particular) are things that are found on most thermostats, regardless of their price range.

But there is a huge number of features. Some thermostats embed  sensors of presence to reduce the heating automatically when nobody is detected in the habitat, have  modes of geolocation to define a perimeter of activation (ex: when you are more than 2 km from at home), or provide  analyzes of the insulation of the fireplace , the thermal impact of the local weather, or the level of brightness. In short, a host of possibilities that vary by model.

Here are the best smart thermostats for intelligently heating and cooling your home and giving you control via your iOS or Android device.

Smart thermostat Is it difficult to install?

If you ask a seller or a manufacturer if the product is difficult to install, you should 99% of the time harvest a "no". Because obviously, saying that his equipment is not within the reach of the first handyman on Sunday that passes, it does not sell. But in reality, installing a Smart thermostat is not easy. Fortunately, manufacturers generally offer explanatory videos, installation manuals and, in the worst case, installation packages with the purchase of the product.

What are the best products?

Nest learning 3rd generation

Nest learning 3rd generation 

This model has an LCD color screen and a rather modern design. It is equipped with multiple sensors that measure the current home temperature, humidity, movement and ambient light in order to set an ideal temperature and regulate itself to reach it. In the same way, it will record all temperature changes in order to target the user's preferences and self-program thereafter.

It is possible to remotely control the temperature from your smartphone (iOS and Android), tablet or computer, allowing you to use features like "Auto-Away" to manage hot water production and the temperature differently during programmed absences.

It is compatible with combination boilers, domestic hot water tanks, system boilers, heat pumps, multizone systems, OpenTherm heating systems and floor heating systems.

It is available under the 250 USD .

Why we recommend it

It can be controlled remotely via computers, mobiles and tablets
Its "auto-absence" mode is very convenient
It can self-program

Find 3rd generation Nest Learning on Amazon

Tado ° with starter kit v3

Tado ° with starter kit v3

The Tado ° v3 pack includes the Smart thermostat and an Internet bridge. The Tado ° can be controlled remotely via smartphone (iOS, Android and Windows Phone), tablet or computer. It is compatible with 95% of heating systems and is compatible with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT and Apple HomeKit.

Thanks to its geolocation function, it manages the consumption according to the location of the smartphone, but can also be programmed. Thanks to its multiple sensors, it can adapt according to the characteristics of the habitat and the outside temperatures.

It is equipped with a system that warns the user if he notices a malfunction of the heating system and also offers detailed reports on energy consumption.

It is found  under the bar of 240 USD .

Why we recommend it

It offers detailed reports
It is compatible with Google Home, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT and Apple HomeKit

Find the Tado ° on Amazon

Netatmo: the customizable design
This thermostat is compatible with gas, oil and wood boilers as well as with heat pumps. It can be controlled remotely via a smartphone (iOS and Android), it is compatible with Apple HomeKit and Google Assistant and it also works on Facebook Messenger. It can also adapt to the outside temperature and takes into account the insulation of the habitat and the habits of lives to optimize its program.

netatmo thermostat

netatmo thermostat

It also incorporates the auto-care function to warn of the state of its batteries and a possible anomaly in the operation of the heating.

It is available for less than 160 USD .

Why we recommend it 

The colors of the device are customizable
It can be used with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger
Its application offers a history of energy consumption

Find the Netatmo on Amazon

Qivivo: the best value for money

Qivivo: the best value for money

Qivivo is controlled remotely through a smartphone (iOS and Android). Thanks to its presence sensor, it can automatically adjust the temperature. It has an LED screen with a touch interface, it has a presence sensor, a humidity sensor and a heating indicator. He adapts his program to the lifestyle (holidays, trips, etc.) as well as to the outside temperature.

It sends notifications in case of unplanned absence of a certain duration to eventually adapt its program and go into freeze mode, it also offers a summary of consumption.

It is available under the 150$ .

Why we recommend it 

For its touch screen
Its alert in case of absence can be useful for the heads in the air
Its low price

Find the Netatmo on Amazon

Real savings?

In short, there are many references more or less known in the market, but all have the same goal: to offer a reduction of electricity bills to customers. It should be known that heating accounts for more than 60% of household energy bills, and that Smart thermostats allow, according to the  Environment and Energy Management Agenc  , to reduce this energy bill. 5 to 10% depending on the efficiency of the programming performed. What to make quickly the purchase of a product of this type.

Which Smart thermostat do you recommend?