
Dating apps are not at all safe

The Dating apps are mainly based on the personal information about the user, which is not illogical thinking about. Your studies, your age, your workplace, your name and even your location are stored on the servers.

The Dating apps are mainly based on the personal information about the user, which is not illogical thinking about. Your studies, your age, your workplace, your name and even your location are stored on the servers.
Dating apps are not at all safe 

The principle is to find your soul mate in a comfortable location (even if Metahto is a wonderful and incredibly compatible with you, girl the Peru, it's a little far). Unfortunately - oh surprise - they are not as secure as it should be.

According to an article found on the Securelist of Kaspersky site, Roman Unuchek, Mikhail Kuzin and Sergey Zelensky security researchers have discovered that many applications of meetings are not particularly secure, and some listed apps are major, such as Tinder, Bumble and OK Cupid, to name a few.

According to the researchers, there are security vulnerabilities that are not well wicked, understand that banking information are not in danger, but it was very easy to find users on social media from simply their studies or their work.

There are more worrisome security vulnerabilities, hackers can intercept the e-mail address of the user, because applications that offer a minimalist HTTPS encryption, which make it easier for them. There is more than to wait that the sites offer quick updates... or say goodbye to Tinder.


OneDrive / SkyDrive, what is it exactly?

What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is an online storage service in the cloud of Microsoft. Through software, it is possible to send and store your documents, photos or other

OneDrive is an online storage service in the cloud of Microsoft
Through software, it is possible to send and store your documents, photos or other ... on a Microsoft server. This program facilitates and automates the storage of files and folders using a synchronization method.
OneDrive / SkyDrive, what is it exactly?

What is OneDrive for?

This allows you to access your documents and photos from any device (phone, tablet and computer).
Keeping all your files in OneDrive can be very useful.
Imagine that one day a fire breaks out in your home and destroys your entire PC. You think that it will not be possible to recover your son's wedding photos! If you had made backups on a USB stick, CD or external hard drive, chances are your equipment is also dead in the fire. In this case, you would have lost everything!
Now, imagine the same scenario but with the use of Onedrive (or other Cloud). All you have to do is connect to the Microsoft Cloud with another PC to recover all that you have lost in the fire since this data was both at home and in the server at Microsoft.

How does OneDrive work?

First of all, you need to create a Microsoft account .
If you are using Windows 8 or 8.1, OneDrive is already present on your computer otherwise you will need to install it

After installation, you will need to configure the software to select the folders that OneDrive needs to send to the cloud.
When adding a new photo to one of the folders supported by OneDrive, it will automatically be sent to the cloud through synchronization.

How to remove OneDrive?

This software does not interest you and you want to get rid of it?
If you are on Windows 8 or 8.1, follow the procedure in the following article: Remove OneDrive Cortana on Windows 10?. 
Otherwise, you just have to uninstall it.

How to disable Cortana, One Drive on Windows 10?

Cortana, OneDrive, TouchLockScreen, biometrics and telephony are, for me, totally useless functions. If you own Windows 10 and like me, you want to get rid of it, here is the procedure to follow.

Cortana, OneDrive, TouchLockScreen, biometrics and telephony are, for me, totally useless functions. If you own Windows 10 and like me, you want to get rid of it, here is the procedure to follow.

Disable Cortana on Windows 10

It is very simple. Here is the procedure going through the registry :
  • Make the combination of the keys "Windows + R", type "regedit.exe" in the window that appears and click "OK".
  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows Search
  • Right-click on "AllowCortana" and select "Edit" and assign it the value "0".
  • All you have to do is restart Windows.
I put at your disposal a script which will allow you to carry out the procedure above automatically and simply:

  • Download the file.
  • Unzip the archive.
  • Right click on this file and choose "Install" or "Merge".

Disable Telephony Service

  • Make the combination of the keys "Windows + R", type "regedit.exe" in the window that appears and click "OK".
  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TapiSrv
  • Right-click on "Start" and select "Edit" and assign it a value of "4".
  • All you have to do is restart Windows.
I put at your disposal a script which will allow you to carry out the procedure above automatically and simply:
  • Download the file.
  • Unzip the archive.
  • Right click on this file and choose "Install" or "Merge".

Disable the Biometrics service

  • Make the combination of the keys "Windows + R", type "regedit.exe" in the window that appears and click "OK".
  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ WbioSrvc
  • Right-click on "Start" and select "Edit" and assign it a value of "4".
  • All you have to do is restart Windows.
I put at your disposal a script which will allow you to carry out the procedure above automatically and simply:
  • Download the file.
  • Unzip the archive.
  • Right click on this file and choose "Install" or "Merge".

Disable TouchLockScreen service

  • Make the combination of the keys "Windows + R", type "regedit.exe" in the window that appears and click "OK".
  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Personalization
  • Right-click on "NoLockScreen" and select "Edit" and assign it a value of "1".
  • All you have to do is restart Windows.
I put at your disposal a script which will allow you to carry out the procedure above automatically and simply:
  • Download the file.
  • Unzip the archive.
  • Right click on this file and choose "Install" or "Merge".

How to get rid of One Drive under Windows 10?

To uninstall it: 
- You must open a command prompt window in administrator mode. 
- Paste the following code:
@echo off
set x86="%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe"
set x64="%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"
taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe > NUL 2>&1
ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1
if exist %x64% (
%x64% /uninstall
) else (
%x86% /uninstall
) ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1
rd "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1
rd "C:\OneDriveTemp" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1
rd "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1
rd "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1
REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1
REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1

Disable Tracking Services

To do this: 
- You must open a command prompt window in administrator mode. 
- Paste the following code:
sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

Once the cleaning done, I invite you to restart your computer.

Best 5 free word processing software alternatives to MS Word

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office  ?

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

You are in the right place. Whether you use Windows, Mac or Linux, here you will find the top five free alternative text editors for MS Word.

All these softwares can create, modify and print text documents. Many of them can automatically check the spelling of text, create tables, and much more.

1 Open Office

We start with OpenOffice, it is undoubtedly the best free word processor and also the most popular. It is an office suite similar to Microsoft Office, both at the user interface level and the functionality level. With OpenOffice, you can easily import and edit MS Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and save them in their original format or OpenOffice format.

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

If you have worked with Microsoft Word before, you will not find it difficult to use the OpenOffice word processor, which has a user interface similar to that of MS Word

In addition to the word processor, OpenOffice includes other applications for creating spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, database, and more.

2 WPS Office Writer

WPS Office Writer is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Word, it is part of the office suite WPS Office, its user interface is almost identical to the MS Office as well as the basic functionality.

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

WPS Office just like MS Office includes tools to create a presentation, spreadsheet, etc. It is available for free (there are advertisements associated with certain features), and fully compatible with the document formats created by Microsoft Office.

WPS Office offers many advantages:

  1. Free templates to quickly create Word documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.
  2. 1 Gb of Free Online Storage
  3. the ability to share your documents with a mobile phone on iOS

3 Google Docs

If you are looking for an online word processor without installing anything, I propose Google Docs, a free service offered by Google, which allows you to create, edit and share text documents, spreadsheets, presentations , drawings and even forms.

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

Using Google Docs, you can process your documents online via your web browser, or by installing an application on your smartphone. Your documents will be saved and stored automatically, and you can download or send them in multiple formats via email as an attachment.

Aside from word processing, Google Docs also allows you to:

  1. to access your documents from anywhere
  2. invite others to work together on the same document
  3. view and edit your documents using your smartphone or tablet

4 AbiWord

AbiWord is another free alternative to Microsoft Word, it is both simple and complete, and supports most current text formats (DOC, RTF, ODT, HTML, etc.). AbiWord has all the tools you need to create a good document.

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

characteristics of AbiWord

  1. available in several languages
  2. He is fast
  3. a simple and easy-to-use user interface
  4. mail merge functions
  5. Advanced layout options

5 Zoho Writer

Like Google Docs, Zoho Writer is a free online tool that is easy to use while still having all the features of traditional word processing software.

If you are looking for a good free word processor , or are you wondering what software to replace Microsoft Office ?

Zoho Writer makes it easy to create, edit and view your documents from any device, you can also work in groups and share documents in multiple formats. That said, Zoho Writer is incredibly powerful for people working in groups.

If you do not have an internet connection, you can edit an offline document and sync it to the next internet connection.

Another feature of Zoho Writer  :

  1. secure document sharing
  2. spell checking
  3. automatic document backup


Whether you're looking for an executable word-processing software on your computer or an online tool to make sharing and storing your documents easier, the five software packages listed above save you the cost of expensive software.

Shopping Guide: Which iPhone to choose?

It's decided: you want an iPhone in 2017. But now, the Apple range is now substantial: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s and iPhone SE share the picture. This guide will allow you to see a little clearer to consider your options.
This year, Apple is teasing . Introducing 3 iPhone, two normal and a very high-end while keeping the iPhone 7 in the catalog, but also the iPhone 6s and iPhone SE. The choice for who wants to go on iOS or wants to renew his iPhone is rather difficult, especially since the changes between models are either minor or radical - not really in-between.
If you have decided to opt for a new iPhone in 2017 or 2018, this guide could help you. Rather than divide this guide in range, we started from another postulate: your current iPhone.
IPhone X is your ally
It's decided: you want an iPhone in 2017. But now, the Apple range is now substantial: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s and iPhone SE share the picture. This guide will allow you to see a little clearer to consider your options.

With its iPhone X, Apple has projected all the wishes of its future customers in the same smartphone. Borderless, trimmed for augmented reality, equipped with an OLED True Tone display and the most powerful chips on the market, the iPhone X is the jewel of the 2017 collection. 
If you have an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus , let's face it, the iPhone 8 is not likely to change your life. You will have the impression of having the same smartphone as before with renewed entrails, some new  features and a fitted look. But if you have already cracked for the previous generation which was itself a facelift of the iPhone 6s, it may be time to move to the next level, even to wipe some plasters.
The iPhone X costs a fortune, but in addition to bringing ultra high-end features never seen on an iPhone, it changes the way to use iOS. Some features of iOS 11 are exclusive to him and the absence of Home button has led Apple to rethink the entire interface: if you want something new at Apple in 2017 and have a sense of discovery, this is the only smartphone that we could advise you.
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Available on the Apple Store for 999,00 $US to 1 149,00 $US

Alternative: wait

We are pretty sure that the design of the iPhone X will be the one on which Apple will iterate its future generations of iPhone. The opposite would be surprising, since the iPhone 8 date of 2014 and the iPhone 6. Therefore, maybe it's time to give your iPhone 7 a year, more as much as all the features of iOS 11 available for the iPhone 8 will also be on your machine that is still defending itself very well.

The iPhone SE is always the friend of the little hands

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The iPhone SE is a product that always surprises us: in 2017, Apple continues to offer and update its small smartphone with 4-inch screen. If you have an iPhone 5 or 5C and this diagonal is your ideal, the iPhone SE will be a nice update responsiveness ... at a low price. 
The iPhone SE is the most vintage iPhone with its look of iPhone 5. Features side, we are around an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 6s, with a chip A9 64 bit that will still make today strictly turn all apps from the App Store. It is a small model iPhone that has in the stomach and could still seduce without harm.
It's also the cheapest iPhone and if you want to stay on iOS without breaking the bank, it's a good choice for updates.
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Available on the Apple Store for 349,00 $US à 449,00 $US

Alternative: iPhone 8

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If you still have an iPhone 5 or 5C, it's because you like to keep your smartphones for years - responsible and life-saving behavior. So, the iPhone 8 could be your best alternative if you want to increase the diagonal of your smartphone and you have the budget that follows. Indeed, it is the fourth iteration on the same design: Apple masters its product and its production and you can be sure that the iPhone 8 is a good long-term investment.
In addition, this version of the product allows you not to immediately go to the phablet type diagonals: we stay on 4.7 inches, which is not huge and still holds well in hand. Probably the best choice if you have the budget.

Available on the Apple Store for 699,00 $US to 949,00 $US


 iPhone X, the photo revival

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If you have an iPhone 6 Plus or an iPhone 6s Plus, you have an interest in mobile photography and the price of the smartphone you pay is not really a given that you consider. From then on, the iPhone X will be your best choice. 
Apple has made progress on all its photo-level iPhone by replacing 12-megapixel sensors with new f / 1.8 sensors, but the iPhone X is the one that is best thought for photography - in all circumstances.
It actually embeds a dual sensor at the rear, with a wide angle that opens at f / 1.8 and a 2x telephoto lens that opens at f / 2.4. Both have dual optical image stabilization, which means that for video or for moving images, you should feel the difference with the iPhone released earlier. In addition, the front camera has been updated. Named TrueDepth, it uses all the elements needed by Face ID to recognize faces in depth. It will allow you to use Portrait Selfie Mode and new portrait lighting.
On the viewing side, the 5.8-inch True Tone OLED screen is necessarily the best in the range and if you enjoy admiring shots and taking pictures, you should be delighted.
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Available on the Apple Store for 999,00 $US to 1 149,00 $US

Alternative 1: The iPhone 7 Plus

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If we compare the data sheets of the iPhone 7 Plus and the iPhone 8 Plus photo side, not much changes. The newest one incorporates Beta portrait lighting mode on its rear cameras and 4K video at 60 frames per second. From then on, the iPhone 7 Plus seems to be a good alternative that will last you a long time: it still displays high-end features and embeds the same FaceTime HD camera as its newest colleague.
It is therefore a good choice, especially since the model fell in price in 2017.

Available on Apple Store for 549,00 $US to 769,00 $US