
What to choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS

What to choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS

That's about to come out Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. About his impressive innovations can be learned from this magnificent article. But there is no release yet, and the phones in the editorial office are already hot - everyone wants to know whether to update or not at once, how will Bionic Beaver come out?

Our editorial staff interviewed the best rebels of the country and came to the conclusion that we do not need to be updated. Although this is called a release, in addition to the extended support time, we all know the quality of work from the Shuttleworth team. The best bubbitters of the country are advised to wait on April 18, 01 and then boldly updated.

Is there an exception to this rule? It turns out there is. If you are the lucky owner of a video card from AMD, then you need to update. The matter is that in 18.04 the opensor driver working out of a box is essentially improved. Some experts say that it is so good that you can even go to beta 18.04 for it without waiting and just update right after the final version is released.

And who does not need to be updated at all? To those who fell in love with Unity. At 16.04 there is still this magnificent shopping-shell, whereas in 18.04 there will already be a spiritless GNOME.

Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence should not be updated. According to the intelligence reports, TensorFlow requires CUDA, and CUDA at 18.04 is still not supported. Hurry with the upgrade you can not create Skynet.

So what should an average Ubuntu user do? Wait for the first point-release 18.04 and be updated.

How to speed up the Internet in Windows 7, 8 ,10

Is it possible to speed up the Internet at all? Easily! Below is a simple set of measures that allows you to significantly increase the speed of the Internet in Windows.

Is it possible to speed up the Internet at all? Easily! Below is a simple set of measures that allows you to significantly increase the speed of the Internet in Windows.

Potential for acceleration 

For example, if you have 10 Mbps in a contract with a provider, in reality you will get a download speed somewhere at the level of 1 megabyte per second, or even lower. The fact is that Windows has a QoS service that can reserve up to 20% of its speed for its tasks. And the browser is waiting for a response from DNS-servers. And in the running cases, the browser can be turned off hardware acceleration of page rendering. And then web-surfing turns into anguish. Therefore, if you disable QoS, enable DNS query caching, and enable hardware acceleration in the browser, the speed of the Internet can grow at times.

The easiest way to speed up the Internet in Windows 

The easiest and safest way to disable QoS and add 20% to speed is to edit the security policy. You do not need to go into the registry and risk the performance of the entire computer, just remove one tick in the convenient settings editor.

So, click "Start" → "Run" and enter the name: gpedit.msc. The Security Policy Editor opens. We successively go on the following route: "Computer Configuration" → "Administrative Templates" → "Network" → " QoS Packet Scheduler ". Enable "Limit redundant bandwidth," but specify 0% as a reserve. Done.

Increase DNS cache for network acceleration 

The role of the DNS cache is to store the IP addresses of all Internet sites that you visit most often. If you have a tendency to very often visit certain Internet resources (for example social networks VK, Facebook, Twiter, various blogs or multimedia resources of YouTube, StumbleUpon), then the increase in the DNS cache of your browser should be positive for download speed of these Internet pages. To increase the size of the cache, you must perform the following actions:

Click on the "Start" button, type in the search word "regedit" and press the Enter key. You need to start the Registry Editor. Then in the editor you need to go the following way:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ DNScache \ Parameters

Next, right-click the mouse to add the following four DWORDs:


And assign them the following values:

CacheHashTableBucketSize - set the value to 1
CacheHashTableSize - set the value to 384
MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit - set the value to 64000
MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit - set the value to 301

Next, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Speed ​​up the Internet by disabling QoS 

As it became known, in XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10 there is a system for reserving the width of the Internet channel. This system (QoS Reserved Bandwidth Limit) specifically limits your traffic to allow normal operation and the transmission of traffic to higher priority applications, such as Update Center or other priority components. The width of the reserved channel is about 20% of the maximum speed of your Internet. That is, with this restriction, you really only use 80% of the speed that the provider provides to you. Therefore, changing this percentage can significantly accelerate the work of your browser and downloading the Internet pages. In order to reduce the width of the reserved channel in Windows 7, you must perform the following actions:

As in the previous case, click on the "Start" button, type in the search word "regedit" and press the Enter key. You need to start the Registry Editor. Then in the editor you need to go the following way:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft

Then right in the left window on the key "Windows" create a new key (Key) under the name "Psched" as it is shown in the picture:

Now right-click on the newly created key in the left part of the window and create a new parameter of type "DWORD" and give it the name "NonBestEffortLimit". To disable the channel reservation, set the "NonBestEffortLimit" key to "0".

Disabling TCP autoconfiguration 

In Windows 7, the auto-tuning function is enabled by default. This function can be one of the reasons why some individual sites or Internet services can be slowly loaded, since this function does not work effectively with a large number of different servers for speed of access. In order to disable the autoconfiguration of TCP, you must run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator and enter the following command into it:
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel = disabled

Next, you must close the command prompt and reboot the computer for the changes to take effect.
In order to return the autoconfiguration of TCP, you need to enter the following command at the command line (running as administrator):
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel = normal
And then reboot the computer. 

Hardware browser acceleration 

In some cases, you may have noticed that viewing certain specific Internet pages from your browser is much slower than in previous versions of the same browser. This may be due to the fact that at the moment your browser uses the software rendering mode instead of the GPU rendering mode by default (that is, rendering using hardware acceleration with the help of a graphics processor). This can happen with users who have outdated video cards or drivers to them, which in turn do not support or cease to support hardware acceleration of the GPU. A possible solution to this problem may be to install the latest version of the video adapter driver, which supports GPU hardware acceleration.

If this problem has not been solved by installing the last driver for the video card, the only way out of this situation may be to replace the current video card with a newer one, which will support hardware acceleration with the help of the GPU.

But you can see in what mode your browser works. This, as a rule, can be viewed in the advanced settings of the browser, and more specifically the hardware acceleration option.

An example of how to see whether hardware acceleration is enabled for Internet Explorer :
  1. Open Internet Explorer and go to the settings menu "Tools -> Internet Options"
  2. On the Advanced tab, you should see an option to speed up graphics.
Now make sure that the check box is selected next to the option "Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering." If the box is checked, then Internet Explorer uses the software rendering mode. Select the checkbox if you want IE to go into GPU rendering mode. If this option is grayed out and does not change, then your video card or its driver does not support hardware acceleration for the browser.
An example of how to see whether hardware acceleration is enabled for Mozilla Firefox

Launch Firefox and open the browser settings using the "Tools -> Options" menu.
Click on the "Advanced" tab, where you should see the "Browsing" section on the "General" tab. In this section there is an option called "If possible, use hardware acceleration" (use hardware acceleration when available). If this option is not selected, then your browser uses the software rendering mode. Check the box to enable Firefox to start using hardware acceleration if its graphics subsystem supports it.

How to Speed ​​Up Internet in Windows 8 with NameBench 

When your browser tries to access the site, it first accesses the DNS name server. The problem is that this server is physically located at your ISP. And what are the small commercial companies famous for? That's right - the desire to save on everything. Therefore, the equipment for DNS service is bought weak. Well, you are trying to enter the site, the browser is accessing the slow DNS server of the provider and there is a delay, which can take several seconds. And now remember that every page of the site can contain pictures, videos, Flash, etc. from other sites. This again DNS requests to the slow server. As a result, the losses are added and the deceleration becomes noticeable. What to do? The answer is obvious: you need to use the fastest DNS servers. Find them and help the program NameBench .

What are we waiting for? Download the NameBench program(free) and run it. Installation is not required. After starting, specify your country, the browser you are using and click the Start Benchmark button. The program will try several dozen DNS-servers and select the fastest for you. On average, you can find a server that runs 2-3 times faster than your ISP's DNS.

After NameBench finds the smartest DNS, you will be shown the IP address of this server. It's something you need to register in the connection settings. Everything is as usual:

How to speed up the Internet in Windows 7, 8 ,10

You will be pleasantly surprised when you notice that the Internet has become much faster!

How To Easily block Ads On Android Without Root

How To Easily block Ads On Android Without Root

blocks Ads On Android Without Root - The easiest way for Android to have wide access and can be operated at will that is with Android meroot itself. But by accessing root on Android Smartphone will remove the warranty from the factory. Therefore, many people are reluctant to root on their Android Smartphone, especially with the state of Android already in Root then it is easy to get the virus. But even so there are still many users who do root on their Android destination so that Android has better access.

7 Android apps infected with virus You should delete them now on your phone

Going back to the basics of how to get rid of ads on Android Apps is easy even though Android Smartphone still does not have root access or is not rooted yet.Easy Way to Eliminate Ads On Android Without Root is very suitable for those of you who do not want their favorite Android in the root. And here's how please check in carefully.
Easy Way to Eliminate Ads on Android Without Root

1. Please Download Adblock Browser or can also in Google Play Store

2. Then Install and open the Application.

3. After that go to Settings menu >> Adblocking

4. After that go to the Adblocking menu click Acceptablle Ads, then uncheck the " Allow some non-intrusive advertising ". Done

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Research workers Prove Subliminal Smart Device Commands That contain Prospect of Destructive Episodes

Experts in the usa and also Cina are already undertaking tests to help demonstrate in which "hidden" commands, or these undetectable for you to human ear, may reach AI assistants similar to Siri in addition to force those to carry out measures their particular managers certainly not planned. The research ended up being highlighted in a very piece nowadays because of the The New York Times, recommending these subliminal directions can certainly face phone numbers, start web sites, and even more potentially destructive behavior in the event used in an unacceptable arms.

A gaggle of students in the University or college associated with California, Berkeley along with Georgetown College or university posted a study papers this specific month, stating which they can introduce commands directly into songs recordings or even voiced text. Whenever performed around an Amazon online Match or perhaps Apple iphone, anyone would certainly merely find out your song or another person chatting, although Siri as well as Alexa "might find out a great training to provide something for a shopping list. inch Or, much more hazardous, open opportunities, cable income out of your financial institution, and get items on the web.

IOS 11.3.1 Solves The Problem Of Users Who Had Repaired The Screen

Your method by which this pupils could actually accomplish the concealed commands won't be a problem with the general public at large, nevertheless one of many paper's creators, Nicholas Carlini, thinks malevolent events might by now be doing inroads having similar technological know-how.

“We wanted to notice in case we're able to ensure it is even more stealthy, ” mentioned Nicholas Carlini, any fifth-year Ph. Debbie. college student inside personal computer stability in You. C. Berkeley in addition to one of several paper’s creators of these studies.

Mr. Carlini included that even though there seemed to be zero research that these tactics have gone this research, perhaps it will solely become a make a difference of time before an individual starts off exploiting these. “My supposition is usually how the malevolent individuals already hire people to do precisely what I truly do, ” he or she stated.

Not too long ago, analysts centered from Princeton School as well as Zheijiang College within China and taiwan conducted equivalent exams, demonstrating which AI assistants might be turned on by means of frequencies not necessarily read simply by people. In the technique named "DolphinAttack, inches your experts developed any transmitter to deliver your undetectable control that dialed a certain cell phone number, whilst various other testing had taken pics along with delivered texting. DolphinAttack is usually considered limited with regards to range, even so, as it "must always be near to the getting product. inches

DolphinAttack might plough concealed voice instructions in 7 state-of-the-art talk acceptance methods (e. gary., Siri, Alexa) to help initialize always-on program in addition to gain a variety of violence, such as causing Siri to be able to start any FaceTime turn to iphone, activating Google Currently to switch the device towards air function, and in some cases manipulating your course-plotting technique within the Audi auto.

With an additional group of analysis, a bunch on the College or university connected with Il in Urbana-Champaign proven this assortment restriction may be increased, displaying codes received through 20 ft out. Pertaining to the most up-to-date group of analysts via Berkeley, Carlini informed The revolutionary You are able to Instances which he had been "confident" his / her group would shortly manage to provide effective requires "against any kind of wise device method on the market. " He said the actual party desires to influence organizations that this downside is often a probable issue, "and next desire which many people may point out, 'O. K. that is achievable, now why don't we make an attempt to remedy it. '"

With regard to safety requirements, Apple will be rigid having certain HomeKit-related Siri instructions, locking these behind system passcodes anytime consumers get passcodes allowed. For example, if you need to unlock the home having a connected wise fastener, you can question Siri to accomplish this, but you need to enter ones passcode with an new iphone 4 as well as ipad tablet after providing your get. The HomePod, alternatively, actively lacks this particular functionality.

source :macrumors